Cherishing One, s Children.
One day we must grow old and die. What we really need each moment is delight, and exaltation to clear and freshen our minds.
Living In A Suitable Location
Likewise with regards to human beings for instance: a capable intelligent man who lives in an improper surrounding and without support from others, could accomplish nothing, no matter how intelligent he is.
The Easiest Cause of Ruin is Following False Friends
When I was in high school, there was a semester when I spent time with friends who felt that smoking was fine, skipping classes was fun, going to bars or night clubs was great (we were younger than 18 at that time), and not listening to parents’ advice was cool.
A Student Should Minister to His Teachers
The southern direction, or the right hand direction, represents the relationships we have with our teachers as a result of their giving us education and training.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Application (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Eight :- Artfulness in Application
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Knowledge (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Seven :- Artfulness in Knowledge.
Dokmaiban Meditation Program
If you are looking for a meditation program, Dokmaiban Meditation program is your answer. We have three meditation places for you. For more information, please read the details.
The Great Indefinite Alms Offering to the Monks on Earth Day
We would like to invite you to build the Personal Dhammakaya Images. It is the last chance!!! This special merit will cause you to have the better things and happy in this life and next lifetimes. Don't miss!!
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th Generation
The 1,000,000 Crystal Blossom Upasikas Mass Training 2011 Project 4th generation
A Vessel of Knowledge
While we are all born with a mind and a body, and we live in a similar environment, haven’t we all wondered why there are so many differences in abilities and talents among people?